Welcome to Oliver Nature Photography. This site was put together in order to share with friends and family our adventures in the world of wildlife. Having retired a few years ago, my wife and I have the luxury of spending as much time as we like photographing wildlife. All the photographs on this site are of wild animals unless otherwise specified. Most of the photographs are from Yellowstone National Park. The sandhill cranes and snow geese are from Bosque del Apache National Wildlife Refuge. Many of the eagle photographs are from Utah, Alaska and Montana.

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856 photos, 12 videos

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All Photographs
BirdsInsectsEclipseBobcatsWolfFoxCoyoteBearsSmall MammalsBig Horn SheepPronghornMountain GoatsElkSunrise, Sunset, ScenicsBisonMooseWild HorsesJavelinaThe ChaseMountain LionYellowstone 2012Yellowstone 2013Yellowstone 2016Visitors behind the house